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About Us

Mission Statement

The objectives of the MAAA are as follows:

1) To promote and govern the MAAA and our athletic associations
2) To teach and encourage fair play, good sportsmanship and good citizenship
3) To encourage and support the participation of amateur athletes


1) Created in 1943. To commemorate 50 years in existence the MAAA contributed a new sound system for the arena in 1992. A plaque to record this event is proudly displayed in the lobby with the following motto, “Pride in Our Past – Faith in our Future”.
2) Incorporated on October 28th, 1986.
3) Rules of Operation for Figure Skating, Hockey, and Ringette were adopted in April 2000.
4) Spring of 2000, Brendan McCausland won the draw for naming the Meaford teams, – Mustangs.

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